What I do before preparing for an interview (few days to one month).
Status | Title |
Review core concepts as shown in ml75Refresh your knowledge on fundamental concepts. | |
Find leaked questionsLook for publically available interview questions from sites like glassdoor, blind, and from google search. | |
Read company's engineering blog.Understand the company's technical challenges, culture, and recent projects to tailor your preparation. Example: https://medium.com/airbnb-engineering/tagged/machine-learning | |
Come up with tailored system design tailored for the role/companyIt is common for companies to test you on system design question specific to their product. If you are being interviewed for personalization team at DoorDash, think about how you would build a system for them. Ask LLM to generate some ideas. | |
Come up with tailored experimentation design, metrics for the given role/companyOn top of commonly used metrics, think about what specific metrics the company/team will care about and the kind of experimentation they will run. | |
Spend some time on LinkedInLook up your interviewers, hiring managers, potential future colleagues on LinkedIn. This can help you find common grounds for building relationships and get a sense of if their background matches your expectation. You can also gauge the kind of problems they are solving. | |
Read latest advances and papersML progresses fast. If you are joining a team solving recommender system, I would checkout some of the most cited papers in recommender system to stay up to date. | |
Update your resumeEnough said. One important thing is for you to review your old projects because you will be asked about them. Try to review and remember the details. | |
Company tagged leetcode questionsLeetcode has a lot of tagged questions. On top of blind75, solve tagged questions. | |
Practice your pitchYou will be doing many introductions and explaining your background. Write it down and practice it. | |
Prepare your questionsGood interviewees should have a list of questions prepared for the interviewer. Think about what you would like to know about the company/team/role and prepare a list of questions. | |
Remember your goalWhat are you optimizing for? Pay? Title? Intesting project? WLB? You can't have it all |